
Counting "Select All That Apply" Questions in Qualtrics

Qualtrics Messy Data My friend Devon Cantwell reached out with an interesting messy data caused by how Qualtrics produces “select all that apply” variables. For example, in her (mock) survey, she asks students to select all the colors that they personally find attractive from a list.

Tidying STM with tidytext

Libraries library(tidytext) library(ggthemes) library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(scales) Load Previous STM Objects I have previously run stm models for topics ranging from 3 to 25. Based on the fit indices, a six-topic model was selected.

Randomizing Vignette Factorial Designs in Survey Research with Qualtrics

In survey research, we sometimes want to present varying conditions in a short descriptive text, often called a vignette, and measure the effects of those conditions on an outcome of interest.